I have lost a lot of projects due the little sentence: “We don’t want to be dependent upon Oracle.” (I just lost another one this week.) It has been used to justify all sorts of crazy decisions such as: Spend millions of…
I have lost a lot of projects due the little sentence: “We don’t want to be dependent upon Oracle.” (I just lost another one this week.) It has been used to justify all sorts of crazy decisions such as: Spend millions of…
When I wrote Oracle8 Design for UML Object Modeling in 1998, Martin Fowler was my technical editor. I remember having a very serious discussion with him about whether normalization mattered for UML class diagrams. If you look at Martin’s diagrams in his writings,…
My son Robert is seven years old. My wife Ileana (one of the smart persons in my company – her lapse in judgment in marrying me notwithstanding) and I were discussing business rules in the car and Robert asked what…
Object rules are the primary type of rule with which we have to concern ourselves. They include everything we can say about the “stuff” in our system. Database people would call these entities; OO people would call them classes. “Stuff” is the…
Business rules people may not really like this architecture. It is pretty technical. But I am not trying to build pretty documents, draw pictures, or talk to users for the sake of making them feel loved and understood. I am…
“Business Rules” is not simply a technology, it is a fundamentally different approach to systems engineering. Years ago, when I first heard the term “business rules,” I remember thinking that we had some up with a new buzzword meaning the same…
From where the industry was when I started Dulcian back in 1995 to where it is today, I have seen massive changes in direction. Many of these changes make me miss the “good old days”. I would like to point…
The trend in recent years has been to decrease reliance on the DBMS (database management system). Using this approach, all code and logic gets moved to the middle tier. The database becomes nothing more than “a place to store persistent…
OK, sure, if you write a query that takes 10 minutes, then your performance is going to be terrible. But of all the systems I have seen, usually there is somebody around who can both detect a long running query…