Code generation in the world of business rules
One of the major discussions in the IT industry is about the role and place of business rules in the software development lifecycle. There is little agreement about what business rules are. Definitions range from “a nice way to write reasonable analysis documents” to “the system itself.” It is beyond the scope of this paper to continue this discussion. That is a task for system architects, not developers. Other Dulcian papers have explained the distinction between analysis and implementation business rules. Since developers are more interested in the implementation rules, this paper will discuss only this type of rule.
For developers, implementing the business rules must satisfy a number of requirements:
1. System performance must be adequate. “Perfect” solutions are too expensive to implement. It is necessary to produce systems given limited resources. Therefore it is critical to specify the level of performance required.
2. The system should be flexible enough to allow for future modifications which may not be foreseen at the time of development. We live in a world that changes very quickly, so it is to be expected that systems will need to change rapidly.
Systems should be scalable enough to handle significant
data growth over time. Any system works fine using
4. The System should be generic enough to survive a significant platform/front-end change (Java, JSP, JSF, XMLDB....etc.).
It is possible to greatly extend this list to come up with all of the “nice-to-have” requirements for any possible information system, but the question remains: How can such a system be built?
Business Rules Repository: Access Approaches
All of the guidelines above are not relevant for the analysts. They are concerned about which particular business rule corresponds to which exact part of the system. Taking the front-end temporarily out of scope, can their concerns be addressed in the database itself?
Unless the business rules are centrally stored in the database there is nothing for the analysts to analyze because developers use SQL and analysts use English. Assuming the use of some business rule repository, the overall logic of the system looks like Figure 1.
Figure 1. Generic logic of business rule-based system
This structure provides a great deal from a technical point of view. Since the repository is inside of the database, you can communicate with it and therefore dynamically control the processing workflow. This raises the issue of compiled code vs. interpreted code. In the current business rule tool market, there are products that support both paradigms. At this point, a comparison of the two approaches is useful.
1. Accessing the Business Rules Repository Using Interpreters
For years the most popular implementation idea of business rule-based systems was the idea of real-time access to the set of business rules. For example, the start date of an employee’s timesheet should not be later than its end date. Using this example, the processing follows these steps:
1. Detect the point when rule should be validated - “Submitting the timesheet to the manager.”
2. Find the appropriate rule in the repository - “Find all rules that should be checked before the timesheet goes to the manager.”
3. Translate the rule from business terms to database terms - “Get Timesheet.StartDt < Timesheet.EndDt as the equivalent of Start date should be less then end date.”
Database validation using the interpreted rule and
original object - “Since the rule requires true/false answers, the database
validation function should return
Interpret the result - “Result
Flag the main routine regarding the success or failure
of the rule and execute appropriate actions. “IF rule succeeded, THEN send timesheet to manager;
It is pretty clear that the solution using interpreted rules described above has many advantages. Changes to business rules and changes to their interpretation have an immediate impact on the system. But there is a major performance drawback because the database must perform many operations just to compare two dates.
2. Generation from a Business Rules Repository
The opposite approach involves emphasis on faster performance. Why not generate the rules directly into the system? Using the example above, the logic could be as follows:
The code based on this logic might look like this:
if updating('state_cd')
:new.state_cd='Submitted' then
if :new.start_dt>=:new.end_dt
raise_application_error(-20999,'Rule 10 violated: start date cannot be
later than end date');
end if;
end if;
end if;
Aside from the performance benefits to this approach, there are some drawbacks. Any modification to the business rule now will require regeneration of the objects that reference it. This can cause significant problems in a production system because of the Oracle feature of invalidating all objects referencing recompiled ones.
Common feature of both approaches
Because both approaches have advantages and disadvantages, the choice of which one to use depends upon each system’s specific requirements. However, both approaches have one major concept in common:
The implementation of the business rules is independent
of their specification.
Using the example “start date of the employee’s timesheet should not be later than its end date,” there is absolutely no mention of tables, columns, queries etc. It is just a rule. It is the system architect’s problem to determine the appropriate implementation mechanism. Using the interpreted approach involves translating the rules into database terms and the results from the database terms by generating SQL, XML, conversion maps etc. The second approach generates the database or other objects using PL/SQL, Java, XML, JSPs, etc. in order to implement the business rules.
Generators as a Core Part of Business Rules-Based Systems
From the discussion above, it is clear that no business rule system could be implemented without some type of code generators. Only generators can efficiently and cost-effectively support all of the system requirements:
The following are some examples of different kinds of generators.
A. Interpreters
Many business rules need to be accessed in real-time. They may be of very different types as discussed in the examples in this section.
I. Declarative business rule generators
There have been many attempts to create a pseudo-language that would allow the definition of a rule written in more-or-less readable English to be easily translated into a set of database commands and conditions. Most of these attempts did not perform as promised. Some may solve specific problems, but these implementations are very limited. In the real world, few IT environments need to support thousands of declarative rules (Ex. “If gender is male and age is above 45, then recommend yearly heart checkup”). Even in very large systems, there may only be a few hundred of them spread around the large data or process model. In that case, rather that creating an extra language there is a better, more flexible solution.
The rule mentioned above is a good case for using a state-transition engine as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Basic State-transition flow
This shows a transition with the rule on it. If it succeeds, the object will be moved to
the state “Recommend Heart Checkup.” From the repository point of view, the
rule should look like:
RuleId: 11
BelongsTo: Transaction 10
RuleText: gender is male and age is above 45
The solution is to add one extra column for each implementation environment. In this case, it was simply SQL, so only one extra column was needed. That column is populated after the first cycle of analysis by the software developer based on the text of the rule:
ExecutableRule: emp.gender=’Male’ AND emp.age>=45
This approach increases the chances of human error but significantly decreases the complexity of the system. The generic validation routine is fairly simple:
create or replace function f_validate (pin_pk_id number,
pin_pk_column_cd varchar2,
pin_class_cd varchar2,
pin_trans_id number)
return boolean
cursor c1 is
select ExecutableRuleTx
from ste_rule
where trans_id = pin_trans_id;
v_out_nr number;
v_rule_tx varchar2(2000);
v_hasfailedrule_b boolean:=false;
open c1
fetch c1 into v_rule_tx;
exit when c1%notfound or v_hasfailedrule_b=true;
execute immediate 'select count(*) from '||pin_class_cd||
' where '||pin_pk_column_cd||'='||pin_pk_id||
' and ('|| v_rule_tx ||')' into v_out_nr;
if v_out_nr=0 then
end if;
end loop;
close c1;
return v_hasfailedrule_b;
when others then
if c1%isopen=true then
close c1;
end if;
return false;
This example involves passing a table into the function where the object is stored. A primary key and column to store the primary key allow the system to uniquely identify the desired object. Also this code passes the transaction to be moved in order to be able to select the applicable rules. But since that rule has already been built for PL/SQL, the system is immediately ready to query the result.
II. Event-Condition-Action Generators
The next example is significantly more complex. Here, the relational and object-oriented worlds start to drift towards each other. An Event-Condition-Action architecture was used at Dulcian and provides the following illustration:
· A set of UI elements exists, for example, button1 (named “Set Default End Date”), textField1 (contains start date), textField2 (contains end date)
· Elements may have events associated with them, i.e. button1 is associated with the event “Press.”
· Events may have associated conditions such as “end date is null.”
· If the condition is satisfied, the event has an associated set of actions:
This structure looks perfect, but how can it be determined what should be done to which elements, especially on the database side? The solution was to divide the task into several parts:
1. Notify the database about the event:
2. Generate a list of appropriate actions:
procedure p_addAction
cursor c1
select e.*
from ar$action e,
ar$event e,
ar$object o
and o.module_tx=pin_module
and o.block_tx=pin_block_tx and o.item_tx=pin_item_tx
and e.event_tx = pin_event_tx;
v_checkRules boolean;
for c in c1 loop
if f_checkRules (e.action_id) =
insert into ar$ExecuteAction
end if;
end loop;
3. Check all corresponding rules for each action:
function f_checkRule
(pin_astion_id number)
cursor c1
select r.condition_tx,
r.executable_rule_tx, r.Class_CD
from ar$rule r
where action_id = pin_action_id;
v_rec c1%rowtype;
v_hasfailedrule_b boolean:=false;
v_out_nr number;
open c1;
fetch c1 into v_rec;
exit when c1%notfound or v_hasfailedrule_b=true;
if c.Class_cd = 'NOCLASS'
execute immediate 'select count(*) from dual where
('|| v_rec.executable_rule_tx ||')' into v_out_nr;
execute immediate 'select count(*) from
' where
' and ('||
v_rec.executable_rule_tx ||')' into v_out_nr;
end if;
if v_out_nr=0 then
end if;
end loop;
close c1;
return v_hasfailedrule_b;
when others then
if c1%isopen=true then
close c1;
end if;
return false;
4. Retrieve the list of actions that correspond to the event and process it on the client side:
Select module, block, item, action, ...
From ar$ExecuteAction
Now the set of rows will be transformed in the set of commands in the front-end. It is out of scope in this paper to discuss the last part, but the core idea of such transformation is crucial from the database point of view. At this point, there is an option to manage not just data rules, but virtually any possible rule (including visual ones) from the repository.
Another interesting implementation of real-time generators occurred
with a front-end environment that was working against XML-based forms. The problem was that the set of APIs only
worked with specially formatted XML documents. In this case, it was
significantly easier to create a two-way parser rather than expect changes in
The solution was fairly simple:
1. Map existing data into the appropriate XML tags (discussed later)
2. Generate an XML-document procedurally as a regular text document from the maps
3. Store the original CLOB in the table
4. Query that table from the client side
5. Convert the string into an XML-document
6. Apply the required APIs
The reverse order applied when users were saving their changes:
Maps will be discussed later, but there are challenges in the manual creation of XML. For example, some characters are special for XML (“>”,”<”,”&”,” %”) but others could be special in the database (single quotes, characters from different languages). A converter of strings into the XML-compatible format may be useful:
function f_validateStringForXML
(in_string_tx varchar2) return varchar2 is
v_out_string_tx varchar2(4000);
v_temp_string_tx varchar2(4000);
v_out_string_tx:= replace (in_string_tx,'>',' greater
than ');
v_out_string_tx:= replace (v_out_string_tx,'<',' less
than ');
v_out_string_tx:= replace (v_out_string_tx,'&',' and
v_out_string_tx:= replace (v_out_string_tx,'%',' pcnt ');
v_temp_string_tx:=replace (v_temp_string_tx,'|');
return v_out_string_tx;
B. Compilers
It is common knowledge that compiled code results in the best possible performance. In the world of business rules, the term “compiled” means that some physical objects (tables, procedures, files etc.) will be created. These objects will fully (or as much as possible) represent the set of business rules, so that the executable code will need to access the repository fewer times.
I. Data models
Data models also represent structural business rules. There
are tools that allow you to generate database objects directly from the
repository, but in the business rule environment this involves much more than
simply generating a bunch of tables. Many of these structural rules such as “field
<gender>can only have values male/female” may be represented as foreign
keys from the
Also, in the later versions of the Oracle database (9i and up) it is possible to rename items in real-time (columns, tables etc), making it possible to implement business rule changes on the fly.
Therefore, there are two main tasks to accomplish: create original code and maintain changes to the repository. In our opinion, the second task is just as important as the first one. Although the creation of Version 1-prototypes is useful, the real core of rule-based systems is maintaining a strict one-to-one relationship between the definition of a business rule and its implementation. If we trust developers to implement ongoing changes, there may be 10 different nuances for 10 different people. Using the generator means that you always know what is going on in the database. For example, the following code shows how the database will behave if the class is renamed. Note the changes not only to the table that represents the class, but also the primary key column, which is always ClassCode||’_OID’):
procedure setTableName(in_class_id number,in_oldtablename_tx varchar2,
in_oldclasscode_tx varchar2) is
v_ddl_tx varchar2(2000);
v_ddl_tx:='rename '||in_oldtablename_tx||' to '||brx$qry.gettablename(in_class_id);
execute immediate v_ddl_tx;
v_ddl_tx:='alter table '||brx$qry.gettablename(in_class_id)||' rename column '
||'OID to '||uml$rep.getclasscode(in_class_id)||
execute immediate v_ddl_tx;
Another major challenge lies in the somewhat limited notation of ERDs. UML notation includes all of the features of ERDs along with a large number of extensions. The problem is that Oracle is a still relational database. So how can you use UML to your advantage? Your solution does not need to be perfect. For rule-based systems, there should not be any ambiguity about the implementation. For example, one of the most popular tasks, which has been hand-coded by hundreds of developers is maintaining historical records on a class. In some cases, very special implementations might be needed, but for the majority of situations, the following should be enough:
1. Add two new columns to the table: start_dt and end_dt
2. Add three new columns to the view: start_dt, end_dt and active_yn
3. If end_dt is populated, then the object is considered inactivated.
4. If end_dt is set to Null, then the object is reactivated.
Add Before-(Insert, Update, Delete) to the view to prevent
any activity on the object if it is inactivated except for update of end_dt
As an example, the following procedure is fired on the BEFORE UPDATE trigger and performs all of the necessary validation and modifications mentioned above:
procedure historyBU(in_oldStart_dt in Date,
in_oldEnd_dt in Date,
in_oldActive_yn in varchar2,
io_newStart_dt in out Date,
io_newEnd_dt in out Date,
io_newActive_yn in out varchar2,
in_class_id number
) is
if in_oldActive_Yn='N' and io_newActive_yn='N' then
uml_error.raiseengineexception(115,'The object is inactive');
end if;
if in_oldActive_yn='Y' and io_newActive_yn='N'
and io_newEnd_dt is null then
elsif in_oldActive_yn='N' and io_newActive_yn='Y' then
--below there is no change in active_yn
elsif in_oldEnd_dt is null and io_newEnd_dt is not null then
elsif in_oldEnd_dt is not null and io_newEnd_dt is null then
end if;
--if modifing start date
if in_oldStart_dt!=io_newStart_dt
and io_newStart_Dt>sysdate then
uml_error.raiseengineexception(125,'Start Date must be less than sysdate');
end if;
if io_newStart_dt is null then
uml_error.raiseengineexception(219,'Start Date can''t be null');
end if;
if io_newEnd_dt<io_newStart_dt then
uml_error.raiseengineexception(121,'Start Date must be less than End Date');
end if;
if io_newActive_yn not in ('Y','N') then
uml_error.raiseengineexception(220,'Active indicator column valid values are Y and N');
end if;
II. Process models
A workflow can (and sometimes should) be represented as
generated code. From a purely performance-based perspective, the major drawback
of implementing advanced process flows is the large number of repository requests.
However, if all communications between different states of the flows could be
generated, not much else is required. The major problem is to determine which
portions of the rule(s) should be generated. Another critical factor is the
process flow notation to be used in the repository. At Dulcian, our own
Another reason why this notation was used was that it better supports the code generation concept in several ways:
For example, Figure 3 shows a basic state with a number of transitions.
Figure 3. Representation of process state with several transitions
The generated code is as follows:
procedure p_auto_1(SelfOID in Number) is
if (emp.getAge(selfOID)>=45 and emp.getGender(selfOID)='Male') then
/*(:Age >= 45 and :Gender='Male')*/
ste$pkg.setState(SelfOID,2,10); -- object, state, transation
elsif (emp.getAge(selfOID)>=45 and emp.getGender(selfOID)='Female') then
/*(:Age >= 45 and :Gender='Female')*/
ste$pkg.setState(SelfOID,3,20); -- object, state, transation
elsif 1=1 then
/*No Rule*/
raise uml_error.e_ste_rule_failure;
end if;
Earlier the term “maps” was mentioned with regard to the system communicating in real-time with the XML-environment. The problem arose when trying to work with the XML-based forms. Architecturally these forms were exact copies of the paper forms, but the data model was significantly different from what was shown on the screen. The challenge was in creating a mechanism to map the stored data into XML tags. It was also mandatory to decrease the workload on the client machines. As a result, the solution involved a full two-way conversion of stored data into the precise data representation required for the client code. A special mapping repository was created to carry out the conversion. The simplified data model for this repository is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Simplified Mapper Data Model
Originally DBàXML and XMLàDB maps were used. Later this architecture was extended to
support DBßàDB
maps. This provided an extremely powerful migration utility, because the generic
definition of the source and target elements enabled the creation of migration
maps between completely different data models of any level of complexity.
Most portions of a business rule-based system involve some type of code generator. By using these generators, in some cases the systems created are more flexible; in others, the performance improvements are significant. In all cases generators allow us to build systems “better/faster/cheaper.” From a purely developer point of view, there is one critical lesson to be learned, namely that it is important to think through the architecture of the generator(s) from the very beginning of the project. Here are a few of the factors to be taken into account:
Making sure that you ask the right questions from the beginning goes a long way towards building a system that will meet, if not exceed, the system requirements and remain flexible enough to cope with the inevitable business rule changes down the road.
About the Author
Michael Rosenblum is a Development DBA at Dulcian, Inc. He is
responsible for system tuning and application architecture. He also supports
the Dulcian developers by writing complex PL/SQL routines and researching new
features. Michael is a frequent presenter at various regional and national
Oracle user group conferences. In his native